I'm a Psychologist.
Not a Therapist.
The difference between the two roles boils
down to two things - education and experience. I am a Scientist & Practitioner. I have a PhD in Counseling Psychology from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I trained for more than 7 years in order to be a Licensed
Psychologist by the Illinois Department of
Financial and Professional Regulation IDFPR
(State of Illinois License Number
071008691). My advanced degree allows me to have a deeper understanding of human behavior and mental processes. I am highly trained with expertise in mental health assessment, diagnosis and treatment, and behavior change. I use clinical research to provide empirically supported (i.e., effective) treatments to my clients.

Dr. Alexis Clarke
Relationship & Sex Psychologist

My interest in intimacy, sexuality, and romantic relationships began in high school. Specifically, TV shows like “Loveline” and “Talk Sex with Sue” made me aware of the absence of education about issues related to intimacy, sexuailty, sexual health, sexual identity, and romantic relationships.
Openly talking about sex continues to be taboo, which can be detrimental, particularly in terms of health. Due to TV programs that exposed me to this topic, I became comfortable talking about sex and sexuality; however, it did not occur to me that I could pursue a career in mental health that addressed those particular concerns. Ironically, I’m shy, so being on TV was not appealing. Also, I didn’t know anyone who had a similar career.
I’ve learned a lot since then, particularly about the impact of socialization. The socialization process begins early, even before you are born. It can be difficult to figure out who you are (i.e., your identity); especially if your identity is not apart of the majority. I believe that you are the expert on you and your relationships with other people. Living a life that makes you happy is critical.
Life is full of difficult and painful choices. Sometimes we make choices that result in negative consequences which impact our daily lives and the relationships we have with other people. My job is to aid and motivate you and your partner(s) to find concrete approaches to promote mental, emotional, and personal growth. Not to determine who you are, who you “should” be, or what your romantic relationships “should” look like. You direct what your journey in life will look like. Redefining Relationships, Acceptance, Empowerment, & Love is about what direction you want to go in this journey call life.

Association of Black Psychologist


The Paradox of Porn: Impact of Porn on Gay Male Sexual Culture
Trans, Just for the Fun of It: The Compassionate Practice of Gender in Four Dimensions
The Orgasm Gap and What We Can Do About It: Examples from Sweden
Sexing the Fat Body
Beyond Yes and No: Embodying Desire for Creative, Collaborative Consent
Sexual Health in Body, Mind and Spirit the Wide-Spectrum Healing Power of Pleasure
Two-Spirit Bodies - Sexual Sovereignty and Erotic Survivance of Indigenous LGBT+ People
Beyond Jealousy and Communication: Therapy for Polyamory's Biggest Challenges
Women's Bodies and the Power of Pleasure
Couples Therapy with Gay Men
Sexual & Social Liberation: Connecting our Pleasure to Our Power
Dismantling Traditional Teen Pregnancy Prevention Approaches: Moving form a Risks to Rights-based Approach
Transition Anxiety: Helping Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Folks Transition with More Ease
Beyond Trans 101: Complex Issues and Complicated Cases for Gender Affirmative Therapists
Narrative Conversations: Helping Clients Reconstruct Taboo
"I Don't See Color or Race": Latin@ Bisexuality at the Intersections of the Erotic, the Exotic and the Dangers of Colorblind Racism
Coming Out as Polyamorous
Sexualizing Cancer
Ourselves as Context: The Ethics of Personal Disclosure in Therapy and in Educational Settings
Life Size Sex Dolls: Moving Past the Stigma, Myths, and Taboo and Enhancing Intimacy and Pleasure
New and Emerging Research in Alternative Black Sexualities
A Kink in the Cure
Pushing Boundaries: Teaching Diverse and "Taboo" Sexuality in Higher Education Settings
Befriend and Transcend Your Sexual Story Using Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS): A Path to Healing and Pleasure
Girls and Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape
Complexity of Couples, Sexual Desire, and Clinician Values
What Do We Know About Pedophilia?
Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 1: Bridging the Couple Chasm
Stages of Change: Interactions with Treatment Compliance and Involvement
Mental Health Care for African Americans
Self-Disclosure and its Impact On Individuals Who Receive Mental Health Services
Sensate Focus: Between Foundation and Innovation
Competence as an Ethical Standard for Psychologists
The Power of Transformation: Identifying and Overcoming the Effects of Vicarious Trauma
Healing the Pieces of Our Sexual Selves: For Sexuality Professionals
Does This Come with Attachments? Integrating EFT and Sex Therapy Trauma Informed Sex Education
Trauma Informed Sex Education
Reaction of Heterosexual Men 25 and Older on the Sexual Empowerment of Women
BDSM & Intimate Partner Violence Training
Putting the Pieces Together: A New Theory
Sexuality Education for the Spinal-Cord Injury Patient
Contemporary Sex in America: Update from the 2015 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
The Power of Transformation: Identifying and Overcoming the Effects of Vicarious Trauma
Reproductive Justice: The Evolution, the Intersection, and the Future
The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity
Sensate Focus: Between Foundation and Innovation
Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Non-conforming People
Moving the Middle: Placing Social Justice at the Core of Human Sexuality
Ethics in Sexual Health: Strategies for Application in Education
Women’s Sexual Health and Medicine: Creating Collaborative Approaches
Special Screening - Sticky: The Movie
Engaging Diversity
Coregasm: Research on Exercise-induced Orgasm and Arousal in Women and Men
Sexual Desire: Assessment, Treatment, Relapse Prevention
How to Teach the Four Boxes of Gendered Sexuality: Good Girl vs. Bad Girl and Tough Guy vs. Sweet Guy
Taking Sides on the Polygon of Porn
Your Role: Responding to Sexual Abuse
Myths about Sex
Outreach to college students
Healthy Relationships
Outreach to college students
Sex & Socialization
Guest lectured about the socialization process for issues around sex, intimacy, and sexuality and how that impacts current sexual practices and identity
Exploring Cultural Diversity
Course for undergraduate students at UIUC
HIV/AIDS awareness
Outreach to college students for National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Sexual Health
Workshops for college residence hall staff and other organizations on college campus.
Clarke, A. M., & Whittaker, V. A., (2015, November). It was taken from me, so why not…? A Client's Herstory of Sexual Violence and Healing. Symposium facilitated at the University of Dar es Salaam Gender Violence Symposium, Dar es Salaam, TZ.
Clarke, A. (2014, March). It was taken from me, so why not…? A Client's Herstory of Sexual Violence/Trauma and Healing. In J. A. Lewis (Chair), Applications of Black feminist theory to research and practice in counseling psychology. Symposium presented at the APA Society of Counseling Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Psychology Honors Research (Quality of Romantic Relationships: A Comparative Analysis of Attachment Styles, Conflict Management Skills, and Relationship Satisfaction for Young Engaged Couples and Mature Couples)
Roisman, G. I., Holland, A., Fortuna, K., Fraley, R. C., Clausell, E., & Clarke, A. (2007). The adult attachment interview and self-reports of attachment style: An empirical rapprochement. The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 678-697.